If you’re reading this, you probably know a lot about losing weight. You’ve likely been on many diets and programs, yet the weight always comes back. Knowing how to lose weight isn’t enough, because if it were, you’d be at your goal weight by now. For some reason though, one that you desperately wish you could figure out, you just can’t seem to be consistent in your weight loss efforts. You are no doubt frustrated. Your goal weight seems so far out of reach that you are now more discouraged than ever. I understand what you are going through because I have been there.

When one part of you wants to do something, like lose weight, but another part of you does not, like exercise or eat nutritiously, you are not fully in sync with yourself. Hypnosis is a way to align and get both parts of your mind in agreement.

Hypnosis brings clarity to a murky landscape filled with disappointment and helps us use our best resources to lose weight. It helps motivate us to eat better, move our bodies more, feel great, and focus on staying healthy for the rest of our lives. The best part? Because it is part of who we naturally are, it feels effortless. It’s how we are designed to operate. Once experienced, it feels as if a huge weight has been lifted. It’s as if all this time we’ve been going against the grain, but we didn’t realize it. Instead, there’s an easier way. A way that requires us to simply turn around and go in the opposite direction – going with the flow instead of against it. This way, we get a little better each and every day. We don’t focus on losing weight. We focus on gaining so much more. This makes all the difference.

Hypnosis is used to train the subconscious mind to be in tune with our natural feelings of hunger. I would argue that most of us don't even know what true hunger is anymore. Many eat largely due emotions such as stress or boredom. Some overeat because they use the extra weight on their bodies as a protective barrier. Or some eat because they were conditioned as children to finish their plates so they can have dessert. In all of these examples, the mind is interfering with the body’s natural process. One of the best ways we can gain control of our eating is to give the job of knowing back to the body. Let our body tell us when it’s time to eat and how much to eat. Give this job back to the body and take away the thinking process. This is about reverting back to the true power that we’re born with – our body’s own innate wisdom called appetite. This is about eating when our body tells us it’s time, and to stop eating when we’re satisfied or full. This is about purposely choosing the kinds of food we put in our mouths to achieve and maintain a healthy body. This is called mindful eating.

Hypnosis works because it changes the way we think about food. It addresses the emotional attachment to food. Instead of using food as a coping mechanism, it is simply an appropriate solution to hunger. Hypnosis is also very effective in understanding and releasing unhealthy cravings.

You deserve to be successful, healthy, and happy. Hypnosis taps into the power that is already inside of you, helping you lose weight and keep it off for good. It helps uncover what’s really going on inside, so you lose the weight and keep it off permanently. When you understand what your mind and body are doing to keep the weight on, you will then equally understand how to take it off. You will learn to use your own natural and unique strengths to amplify your ability to lose weight. This doesn’t require extreme dieting. Nor, does it require exercising your body to the point of exhaustion. It is something completely different, and the techniques may surprise you. It’s peaceful. It’s illuminating. It’s about finding joy in experiences and things other than food. It’s about finding your spark again.

My intention for you is that you are successful, healthy, and happy. I want you to feel good about your body. I want you to consider your weight loss journey as an awakening, not a prison sentence of deprivation. I want you to feel a lightness in your step. I want you to reconnect with joyful activities, people that bring you happiness, and events that make you smile. By discovering what is going on inside, achieving a better mind-body connection, and tapping into your own inherent power, you will find success. Success is yours!



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