Promote Peace from Within
Hypnosis is a guided, temporary relaxation of the conscious mind. It is a natural state that most of us enter every day without even knowing it. Have you ever missed your highway exit while driving, or wondered how you got from point A to point B while driving a familiar route because you don’t remember all the details of the drive? Do you daydream? Or have you ever been so engrossed in typing a text that you don’t hear the person next to you speaking to you? These are all examples of naturally occurring hypnosis. As a trained hypnotist, I simply create this same state of being within my office, in a very comfortable chair, during a designated appointment time, with a specific goal in mind. Your goal. The hypnosis session will put your conscious mind on vacation with lovely and peaceful visualizations so that positive, mutually agreed upon suggestions are delivered directly to your subconscious mind. Why is bypassing the conscious mind and speaking directly to the subconscious mind so effective?
Our conscious mind is the rational, analytical, critical thinking part of our mind. I refer to the conscious mind as the “doer.” For example, “I do need to grocery shop today,” “I do need to get my laundry done tonight,” “I do need to adequately prepare for my speech, so my nerves don’t show when I deliver it,” “l do need to calm down when I’m anxious because I don’t like the way it makes me feel,” “I do need to lose weight for my health so I can live longer and be happier.” These are all examples of directives we give ourselves with our conscious minds. However, often times it is not the conscious mind that is calling the shots, but rather the subconscious mind. If someone suffers from a fear of public speaking, for example, it doesn’t matter how well-versed or how well-prepared they are. They will feel the nerves creeping in as soon as they begin speaking. The shaky voice and hands, the sweaty palms, and the racing heartbeat will present themselves despite the conscious mind’s protest. The person who suffers from extreme stress or anxiety cannot merely tell themselves to “calm down” during an anxiety-producing event. When has telling yourself or someone else to “calm down” during the heat of the moment ever worked? The person who is desperate to lose weight and who possesses all the nutritional knowledge in the world, often falls victim to their own self-sabotage of turning to food for comfort after a stressful day.
The subconscious mind is where all your memories and experiences exist and where beliefs, and emotions based off those memories and experiences are validated. Think of the subconscious mind as a hard drive of a computer. This is where all your memories are stored. This is where beliefs and actions based off those memories and experiences live. Experiences and teachings we had as children, and therefore adopted as adults, are usually helpful. Things such as reading, writing, or riding a bike, are all examples of things that we don’t need to actively think about how to “do” anymore. Actions such as these, we have done so often with practice and repetition that we just do them automatically. These actions are now controlled by our subconscious mind, as if we were on autopilot. Unfortunately, the same can be said for negative beliefs, thoughts or actions that are similarly on autopilot - irrational fears, feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, self-imposed limitations, and emotional attachment to food, just to name a few. By putting your analytical conscious mind in a beautiful and peaceful state of relaxation, hypnosis bypasses it and speaks directly to your subconscious mind. When done correctly, post hypnotic suggestions are not criticized, analyzed, or judged by the conscious mind. Rather they are delivered directly your subconscious mind where they are received as your new truth. This process essentially records over those tired, old, negative thought patterns that no longer serve you. We work together to build new neural pathways in your subconscious mind that allow you to form healthier habits and to think differently. “I cannot give up chocolate” can be replaced with “I have no desire for chocolate.” “I cannot give up smoking” can be replaced with “I cannot wait to be a non-smoker.” “I am afraid to speak in front of others” can be replaced with “I am grateful for this opportunity to share my knowledge and expertise.”
Do you suffer from excessive self-criticism?
Are you looking to eliminate a negative habit?
Do you suffer from an irrational fear such as a fear of public speaking?
Are you looking for help with an ordinary, everyday problem such as stress or weight loss?
Do you feel as though you keep getting in your own way?
Read on to learn more about how hypnosis can help you.
Stress & Anxiety
Hypnosis can help with stress & anxiety in two ways.
First, while under hypnosis, you are very relaxed. While your mind enjoys a break from racing thoughts, hypnosis promotes peace, rejuvenation, and healing from within.
Second, hypnosis helps improve coping abilities when facing stressful situations in the future. You will learn to be more of an observer of your thoughts and emotions, rather than getting tangled up within them.
Hypnosis for adolescents
Hypnosis not only relaxes the mind and body, but it also helps to promote confidence and positive thoughts regarding self-image. Self-hypnosis, a combination of relaxation techniques with positive affirmations will be taught as part of our sessions. Adolescents can learn meditative techniques for pushing fear, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs out of their minds. Negative thought patterns will be replaced with more positive ones. We will work together to create a kind and supportive inner voice.
Weight Loss
Have you ever begun a weight loss program only to lose motivation and ultimately, give up? Have you finished a program, only to revert to old habits and gain all the weight back, if not more? Have you had enough of punishing your body with extreme diets or exercise? Are you tired of one “cheat” meal or one “treat” triggering a downward spiral of binge eating that lasts until you “start again on Monday?” Are you looking for inner peace and overall balance when it comes to your weight loss journey?
If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, read on to learn how hypnosis can help.
Do you struggle with a lack of confidence? Are you exhausted from negative thinking? Consider challenging your inner voice and changing your narrative. In order to do this successfully, you must take control over your thoughts. When you change your negative and limiting thought patterns into positive and supportive ones, your world gets better. Imagine your inner voice is your best friend instead of your worst critic. Imagine feeling worthy of it all, as opposed to telling yourself that you're not good enough. Take back your power and imagine the possibilities!
Back to Center
· Contrary to how hypnosis is sometimes portrayed in movies or on television, you don't lose control over your behavior while under hypnosis. Also, you generally remain aware of, and remember, what happens during hypnosis. Hypnosis is akin to meditation, but with a pre-determined goal. You will enter hypnosis not only to relax the mind and body, but also to reshape your subconscious thoughts and promote positive thinking about food, health, body image, self-love, acceptance, and overall mindfulness. Hypnosis will bring awareness to your inner voice, your inner world - that very special part of you that is central to your whole being. Together, we will guide that inner voice to kindness, compassion, and confidence. Imagine your inner voice is your best friend, helping you to reach your goals and live your best life. Believe It. Breathe It. Live It.
Book an appointment, and let hypnosis bring you back to center.